For the Small Things


A little dash of yellow, a sprinkle of peach, a pinch of pink and of course a dose of greens for health. A dashing bouquet of Yellow, Peach and Pink roses, mixed with Goldenrods and Daisies to name a few ingredients in this delicious bouquet. This bouquet uses an assortment of dozen roses, along with Gerber Daisies.

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A little dash of yellow, a sprinkle of peach, a pinch of pink and of course a dose of greens for health. A dashing bouquet of Yellow, Peach and Pink roses, mixed with Goldenrods and Daisies to name a few ingredients in this delicious bouquet. This bouquet uses an assortment of dozen roses, along with Gerber Daisies.

A little dash of yellow, a sprinkle of peach, a pinch of pink and of course a dose of greens for health. A dashing bouquet of Yellow, Peach and Pink roses, mixed with Goldenrods and Daisies to name a few ingredients in this delicious bouquet. This bouquet uses an assortment of dozen roses, along with Gerber Daisies.